Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

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20search.com, the web’s best search engine list, has partnered
with Google, the most popular search engine on the net, to bring
you the 20search search engine! 20search is the best search engine
to find just about anything. One more reason 20search is The Web’s
Best Search Engine List

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Started in 1999, Alltheweb is known for outstanding search
term relevancy and comprehensive web coverage.
Alltheweb returns results from both its own database and the
Yahoo database. Alltheweb is owned by Yahoo.

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Started in 1995, AlltaVista is the oldest crawler based search
engine on the web. In early 2004 AltaVista dropped the use of its
own database and now uses the Yahoo database. AltaVista uses
its own ranking algorithm to decide search results.

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AOL search is powered by Google. In many searches their
results will mirror Google. AOL owns the Open Directory
and may pull some results from that database as well.

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Started in 1995, AskJeeves is best known for its user
interface. Instead of just entering keywords, users can
enter a sentence or question and expect quality results.
AskJeeves owns Teoma and uses their database for results.

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Started in 1996, Dogpile was one of the first meta search
engines. Dogpile queries several different search engines at
once, including Overture; Looksmart; Google; Yahoo; and
others, then combines the results into one result page.
Dogpile is owned by Infospace, both engines results are
almost identical.

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Unlike every other search engine on this search
engine list, Ebay is the web’s largest auction site.
Ebay offers an incredibly diverse selection of new
and used items. Ebay is a great comparison shopping
tool. By checking the Ebay results to the search engine
results, you can insure you are getting the best price the
net has to offer. One more reason 20search.com is
the web’s best search engine list!

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Excite was once a crawler based engine. They were
bought by Infospace in 2002 and both engines now return
the exact same results. Excite does have several portal
features that are still regularly maintained.

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Founded in 2000 and relaunched in 2008, Gigablast search eninge
has finally made it’s way on to the list of "major" search engines.
Gigablast returns results from its own database and has the
capability to index 200 Billion web pages.

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Google started in 1996 as a graduate project at Stanford
University. From those beginnings it has grown into the
web’s most popular search engine. Google is known for
its comprehensive web coverage and highly relevant

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Iwon is a search engine with a twist. Their results are
provided by Ask.com, however, registered members are
entered into a contest, with some large cash prizes,
each time they use the search engine.

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Joeant is a human edited directory started by former Go.com
editors that wanted to continue their community. Originally
started in 2001, Joeant went through extensive changes in 2002,
which resulted in a great search directory.

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Started in 1994, Lycos is one of the web’s oldest search
engines. Lycos no longer crawls the web on their own
but provides results from Looksmart, the Yahoo database,
and their own advertisers.

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Started in 1996, Mamma was one of the first meta search
search engines. Mamma searches on a large variety of
search engines, directories, and deep content websites
such as Teoma; Looksmart; MSN; and Google, and combines
the results onto one page.

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Netscape, owned by AOL, uses the Google database and the
Open Directory for its search results. Although Netscape uses its own
algorithm to determine rankings, its results are often very
similar to Google.

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Started in 1998, The Open Directory is a large database compiled
by a group of volunteer editors. Instead of trying to list every
possible website, the directory tries to list some of the best
sites in each category. Google uses the directory for some of
its results.

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Webcrawler is a meta search engine owned by Infospace.
Results from Webcrawler are very similar and usually
identical to Infospace. However, Webcrawler does have a
nice advertising free interface.

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While technically not a search engine, the Wikipedia Encyclopedia
is one of the web’s most popular research tools. Users can add
material or edit articles at any time. Inappropriate material and unrefrenced
statements are removed quickly.

Find this:

Yahoo is the oldest and most popular directory on the
web. Yahoo pulls results from its own human-edited
database as well as from Googles crawler database.

E-mail comments or suggestions for the web’s best search engine list to:

Original page from http://www.20search.com/

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